Tuesday 23 April 2013

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)?

Logo and Production name
We have chosen to call our production team “Eclipse Production”, this is because it is a catchy name and easy to remember. Our logo is a crescent moon to match our name eclipse productions. The logo appears at the start of our film opening, this follow conventions of media.

We have chosen a deserted dark area to use as the main film location, This is because it follow the conventions of a horror or thriller movie. The setting is used so that it creates suspense and mystery in the film opening, With a lot of dark places to hide our character will be constantly on edge and paranoid.

In our film opening there is an iconic character, The killer. This character is wearing an all-black outfit and a white mask. This is a symbolic code used to follow conventions of horror villains. The black costume is to hide in the dark and the white mask is to hide their identity. This creates mystery and suspense of the killer.
We have edited the order of our film, We have use effects to create distinct flashback scenes. The shots are not all in the same setting and the scenes are not in chronological order. This goes against normal conventions of a horror film, we have done this to create mystery and introduce the plot differently. Therefore our film will differ and stand out from others.
Title Style 
We have chosen a set style for our titles. The colours of our titles are white and red. This is so that the titles are easily visible on a dark setting, and the red in the titles symbolise danger. This is a written code that creates danger in the film.
Story Plot 
We have created a black plot to the film by using flashbacks. This follow conventions of certain films but stands out from films of a similar genre. We have done this to introduce a story within a story, creating mystery in the opening. The main story is a killer who has a dark past and goes out to get revenge on those he dislikes.
How the opening presents the genre 
During the first minute of our film opening the genre is clear. There is a dark setting to create suspense. The genre is horror, this genre is presented through mysterious characters and deserted areas, the music in the background causes the audience to be paranoid.
Introduction to the characters
The main character in our film opening is the killer, this goes against normal conventions of an horror film, where the main character is normally the victim. Our killer is introduced following the victims and stalking their movements. He emerges from the darkness the create a change in atmosphere and makes the feel that something bad will happen.
Film Title
The title of our film appears at the end to go against conventions of film opening titles. This is to show that the story truly starts after the film title. Out title is red and dark to symbolise the killer. This is a written code to match the identity of our killer, dark and dangerous
These are the nine frames

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