Tuesday, 30 April 2013

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The two pictures below is showing one of the main programmes we used to make our film and the other picture is showing the equipment which we needed for our film opening.

Using a tripod plays a key part in making a good film, when using this piece of equipment we played around to start with to see what we could do with it. The tripod has a few key features which helped us a lot in the process of us making our intro. There are extendible legs at the bottom so when needed to record shots at different levels we could change the height to make our film shots right. 

Another programme which was to play a key role in our film was Adobe Premiere Pro, this is an editing programme. Our whole group used this programme for when we have clips to edit or when we have re-filmed and need to add/delete clips.

We have used a few other programmes as well for our research and planning, our group used Prezi to make one presentation for our research & planning category. Another programme we used is Adobe Soundbooth, the group learnt from using programme that if you want to edit the music and make it mix in with the genre.

As a group we learnt that when filming just having a camera is not enough to make a good film, you need equipment and programmes and to spend a lot of time to get the film up to scratch.

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